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Eco Wear - Hosted By

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Our inspiration came from our younger sister! Eco Wear is a clothing upcycling startup that re-produces and re-designs used textile and fabric to create new environmentally friendly, unique and remarkable clothing.

We are trying to create a cultural move towards upcycling in Jordan, by motivating people to be creative, come up with great ideas from waste and sell them on our marketplace!

ECO WEAR is a sustainable clothing

All of our clothes are made locally, from fabric waste, with the help of Jordanian women, ECO WEAR clothing as it’s a unique cultural style in it, with a modern look.

Our mission is to reduce the environmental abuse, 400g of carbon, 2700liter of water and 25 Khw of electricity to produce 1 cotton shirt, yes it takes that many resources, but with your help, we can do it with zero waste, zero pollution and zero electricity

ECO WEAR process is 100% green!

Yes it is, we use 100% natural and upcycled resources, from producing to packaging and even shipping locally, we deliver our products with EV


Made with the hands of Jordanian women

Our clothing is all locally made with the hands of Jordanian women, you can’t go wrong with that

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