🚨You have just under 24 hours to vote for the CREACT4MED Best Practice Award! 🚨
Voting closes at 12:00CET tomorrow, 4th April. Make sure you have YOUR say!
Vote here: ➡️ https://forms.gle/Fp9NAeLSeGenvEMK7To learn more about each contestant and how they will use the prize money, head to our website:
CREACT4MED Best Practice Award Public Vote Opens On The 21st March
It is mandatory to be registered to this platform, so if you do share this form, make sure you let your community know, they need to register!
Good luck to all! ✨
We’re incredibly excited and giving it our all in the next 24 hours! If you’re reading this, please consider supporting by voting for QalebStudio from Jordan. Every vote counts, and your support could make all the difference. Thank you for helping us make these final moments count! ✨