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  • Profile picture of Kirsty


    1 year, 3 months ago

    #funding #opporuntity !

    #CREACT4MED has launched a new call for proposals targeting #regional #cooperation in the Southern Mediterranean. Find the full details of the call here:

    Call for Proposals to Enhance Regional Cooperation in the Cultural and Creative Industries

    We want to hear from NGOs, BSOs, and other foundations on their activities with the aim of:
    ✨Promoting Cross-Border Networking and Partnerships: to foster collaboration and partnerships between creative and cultural industry stakeholders and businesses across different Southern Mediterranean regions.

    ✨Stimulating Cultural and Creative Collaborations: to support and promote cultural and creative collaborations within the Southern Mediterranean, driving innovation and fostering a dynamic cultural exchange that transcends geographical boundaries.

    ✨Facilitating Internationalization of CCI Companies: to assist creative and cultural industry (CCI) companies in the Southern Mediterranean in expanding their reach internationally.

    The deadline is 15th December!

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