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  • Profile picture of MeteorAirlines


    • 9 months ago

    🌟 Meteor Airlines is shorlisted for the EU Creative Mediterranean Best Practice Award.

    Voting closes on 4th April 2024, 12:00CET!…/

    Tanmirt/Thanks for your support!

    About Meteor Airlines:
    Meteor Airlines’ mission is to rekindle and preserve the vibrant Amazigh cultural heritage of Morocco, addressing cultural erosion and disconnection among Amazigh communities through disruptive Amazigh rock music. They believe that by infusing traditional Amazigh cultural elements with contemporary influences, they can make this heritage relevant and appealing to younger generations. This fusion can serve as a bridge between the past and the present, ensuring that Amazigh culture not only survives but thrives, and that the sustainable practices its people have promoted for centuries can be rekindled to face the current climate emergency.

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    1 Comment
    • Good job, kindly Vote for Smart Art/ Talleh Cultural Center in Jerusalem to help us support our Artisans in West Bank, Jersalem and Gaza, Talelh is the guard of Palestinian handicraft. You could view our activities at instagram


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