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  • Profile picture of Kirsty


    1 year, 8 months ago

    Hello CREACT4MED Community! We are holding the next MED CCI Hub event on the 26th and 27th of June and YOU are invited! The event is organised by IEMED and EMEA and will be held online via the RM Digithon Platform.

    The MED CCI Hub aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and opportunities among the different CCI stakeholders of the Mediterranean region.

    This event will provide a space for dialogue where experts, and practitioners, along with other stakeholders and cultural and creative actors, will discuss and identify the best ways to create a productive and sustainable environment for the development of cultural and creative entrepreneurs & industries with the aim of supporting the dynamisation of the community, the engagement of new players and the generation of new connections and opportunities for members. The event will include speed networking, workshops, roundtable discussions, and CCI-specific seminars.

    More details, including the agenda will follow!

    Register for the event here:

    CREACT4MED_MED CCI HUB...ral Draft Agenda_fv.pdf
    214.43 KB
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