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  • Profile picture of ZINEB


    7 months, 3 weeks ago

    #Theatre #education
    In an atmosphere characterized by discipline and commitment, the members and participants of the Catharsis for theatre Association shared – over the course of three hours – moments that combined enjoyment and benefit with the students of the secondary school “Lmohit” in Sidi Ifni, South Morocco. The workshop began with theater games aimed ice-breaking and creating harmony among the participants. This station was necessary to pave the way for what would follow. After dividing the large group into small groups, each group engaged in working on a specific topic related to the focus of the workshop. It is related to consolidating civil behavior and rejecting disgraceful behavior.
    When we moved to the presentation stage, we were amazed by the students’ creativity and how they were able to express various issues that bothered them by improvising rich dialogues and passing on useful awareness messages.
    The students were able to move us into different spaces, not only by presenting topics, but also by creating multiple spaces for presentations, between which we moved as an audience in search of spectacle and benefit. #drugs/ #Preserving the environment/# Secret immigration These were the topics that the students addressed through their theatrical performances.

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