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assirk assaghir - Hosted By

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The idea of including circus culture started in 2004 by dreamer Palestinian youth from Al Najah University and the purpose of including this culture is to work with Palestinian children to bring happiness and joy to their hearts the establishment of the circus was in exceptional circumstances, Where  it was the period of Israel’s reoccupation of Palestinian territories, The first group worked with children while Israeli tanks occupied the streets of Nablus, The group’s work was limited on group exercising to the group  and producing shows for children to achieve the general goal of playing with children and introducing joy to  them. 
In the year 2006, the group reached out to specialized circus schools in Germany and from here was the seed of training for Palestinian students, as circus groups had a specialized training with the German  cabwazi circus  and for the first time got a specialized circus equipment and from that date the circus group worked to train children in Palestinian villages and camps and to train new groups, Circus groups did not have a specific headquarters, so they trained in schools, youth centers, and sometimes on the street, in order to achieve their goals.

The group was licensed in the year 2009 as an independent Palestinian charitable association by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and registered in the Ministry of. Interior in 2011, as it owned a specific headquarters in Nablus and continued to achieve its goals by producing circus shows for the local and international community and training children at the circus headquarters mainly and reaching children in the vicinity of Nablus, such as camps and villages nearby.

Assirk Assaghir Association participated in many international forums and performed many shows in European countries such as France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
It also owns many local and international partnerships with a distinguished network of relationships

The circus is distinguished from other Nablus institutions, as it is specialized in the production of the performing arts, as there is no institution in Nablus specializing in the performing arts, especially the circus, theater and contemporary dance except the School of Performing Arts affiliated to the Small Circus Association.

 Legal registration:

Ministry of Interior Registration Certificate No. NA-7273-CU
Ministry of Culture registration certificate No. 358 / n / 100/2018

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